FAST Ultra-Filtration Electro-coat Spiral Element providesexcellent operational life with separation efficiency required for effective operation of Electro-coat Paint Systems. When operated in accordance with therecommended operating parameters and the Electro-coat Paint within themanufacturers recommendations, the FAST Electro-coat Spiral Element canprovide a long service life and exceptional performance.
The neutrally charged membrane is effective in operating in eitherCationic or Anionic Electro-coat Paints with no need to chemically refresh themembrane after cleaning. The nature of the PVDF membrane and the elementsrobust construction provides vide excellent chemical, temperature, and pressure resistance.
FEATURESEncompassing Quality Program
Leading Service Organization
Select Water-Borne Paints
Alkaline Cleaner Recovery
PVA Recovery
Material of Construction
Membrane | Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) |
Support: | Polyester |
Permeate Tube | PVC |
Brine Seal | EPDM |
Preservative | Sodium Metabisulfate |
Operating Conditions
Maximum Inlet Pressure | 60 PSI (4.1 Bar) |
Recommended Operating Pressure | 40-50 PSI (2.7 to 3.4 Bar) |
Recommended Differential Pressure | 30 PSI (2.1 Bar) |
Maximum Operating Temperature | 122OF (50OC) |
Operating pH Range | 2-10 |
Short Term Cleaning pH Range | 2-11 at 122OF (50OC) |
Price: Â